There are several blogs Rochester has to offer. Many blogs Rochester offers follow local politics. A few blogs rochester offers follow food, culture, or other diversions. One blog even follows the defunct Rochester subway. Whatever the topic, Rochester blogs suit every taste, and help one learn about the flavor of the city.
Of all the blogs Rochester has to offer, many follow local politics. As traditional newspapers decline, citizen journalism becomes ever more vigorous. Real journalist, in return, have responded with politics blogs of their own, offering updates in real time.
Citizen journalists do reporting via their blogs at a microscopic level. Many journalists take little or no pay to attend every municipal meeting, be it town boards, county legislatures, planning boards, health boards, or school boards. Many have relationships with elected officials and civil servants. A few bloggers even schlep out to Albany every so often to see that Rochester area interests are represented. Like all good journalists, these bloggers leverage their contacts and their expertise into news that readers can use, and that other journalists can refer to.
There are also other blogs Rochester has to offer. Many journalists and private citizens maintain blogs on food, cultural events, and other happenings. Most major educational institutions maintain a blog Rochester residents can read, updating them and other journalists about what their institutions are doing.
Perhaps one of the oddest blogs Rochester offers is about its defunct subway. Built in the 1920s, the Rochester subway closed in 1957, and became an expressway. The blog covers mainly museum facts and historical anecdotes relating to the subway, but is often a source of fascination for Rochestarians.
Whatever their tastes, there are blogs Rochester residents are sure to enjoy. Be it politics, art, commerce, education or infrastructure, these blogs form the stream of information Rochester residents enjoy. In fact, with so many blogs rochester offers, newcomers can learn quickly about area values.